Want to practice medicine abroad?
Step 1: How to pay membership fee?
1) Go to http://www.empowered.org/Medical-Brigades-at-Louisiana-State-University
2) Click "become a member" NOT "volunteer with us"
3) Fill out sign up information
4) Make $40 payment
If you are an old member, you can click the "donate" button and donate $40 to LSU Medical Brigade May 2015 Panama Medical Brigades at Louisiana State University OR pay at one of the meetings (cash accepted and checks must be made out to Global Brigades Medical Chapter at LSU).
Due by October 9th, 2014
Step 2: Where can I get a volunteer application?
Email medicalbrigades.lsu@gmail.com or pick one up during informational meetings. Applications can be submitted via email or turned in during meetings.
Due by October 9th, 2014
Step 3: How to earn points?
Event Doodle is sent out on Sunday's at 8:00 PM via email
Like facebook page 1 pt
Fall Meeting attendance 1 pt
Bronze sponsorship ($20) 0.5 pt
Silver sponsorship ($50) 1 pt
Gold sponsorship ($100+) 2 pt
Platinum sponsorship ($250+) 3 pt
Recruiting healthcare professional (physician, dentist, nurse) 5 pt
Donate candy for Halloween drive 1 pt
Halloween 3 day table sit 1 pt/shift (limit 2 shifts)
Walgreens table sits 1 pt/shift (limit 2 shifts)
AED blood drive 2 pt
AED blood drive referrals 1 pt
GBM Social 1 pt-5pt
Classroom medication drive 3 pt
Classroom shift 1 pt
Medication sorting 2 pt
Sponsorship can be monetary or in-kind and can be turned in during meetings or donated online to LSU Medical Brigade May 2015 Panama Medical Brigades at Louisiana State University (cash accepted and checks must be made out to Global Brigades Medical Chapter at LSU).
Step 4: Volunteer announcement on November 20th, 2014
Acceptance will be sent out via email. Nominations and student contract must be turned in by December 2nd, 2014